How to know if a pipeline is near
The Laurens natural gas main lines are designated with yellow markers and signs, which stand about 4 feet high. You will see the markers where pipelines cross roadways, and periodically along the rest of the route. These signs provide a number to reach the Laurens CPW at any time: 864.681.4300. Careless digging during construction or landscaping work is what typically causes damage to pipelines. Such damage does not necessarily cause an immediate gas leak, but may result in a leak at a later time. To prevent damage to the Laurens CPW natural gas pipelines, please call the PUPS (Palmetto Utility Protection Service) One-Call Service at 811 at least 72 hours before starting any type of digging, grading or similar activity. The Laurens CPW personnel will come out to the site to advise you of the location of the pipeline.