Boil Water Notice

On very rare occasions, the Laurens CPW has to issue a boil water advisory or notice. We issue these after an event that may have allowed harmful bacteria or other organisms in the water system. These events may be pressure loss over a large area or a water main break.

 How will I know if I am affected?

The Laurens CPW will notify you using one of several methods. For small advisories, we place door hangers at your home. In larger scale incidents, we will notify the local media and request a public service announcement. We may also use our reverse calling system to notify customers. To make sure your information is up-to-date, call 864.681.4300. That way, we'll be able to notify you. You should also check our website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts for information and updates. You'll also receive a call to notify you that the water is safe to drink.

For more information on boil water events, check out DHEC's information page.

 What do I do during a boil water advisory or notice?

During a boil water event, affected customers should boil their water vigorously for at least one minute before using it for drinking, cooking, making ice, or giving to pets. This will help keep you from getting sick.