Outdoor Light

Outdoor Light

Did you ever ask your mom to leave on the light ?

You can spend thousands of dollars to purchase and install a complicated security system, then pay the ever increasing monthly service fees or for a lot less, you can develop a very effective security system by combining outdoor security lighting, good quality locks and a neighborhood watch program.

PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH LIGHT! In a recent law enforcement test involving 990 homes, nighttime crime dropped when outdoor security lights were installed. At the end of one year, overall crime in the area had increased 2 percent. Nighttime crimes, however, were down a dramatic 29 percent. Outdoor security lighting pays not only in dollars, but also in peace of mind for you and your neighbors.

There are very few things that are more important than your family’s security. Now you can give them security and convenience with the Laurens CPW’s Outdoor Security Light Program.

Once it’s installed it comes on automatically at dusk and goes off at dawn. You’ll never have to worry about remembering to turn it on or off. There are no hidden charges or fees, just that warm feeling of security. Call us at 864.681.4300 or stop by our office for more information.